Saturday 16 April 2016


   Hello everyone' This week, I made a digital story project with my dear friend Senanur Oğuz. 

   Firstly we created a short story. Our story was about a little girl and her dog, Lassie. Secondly we made animations on the website "Go Animate". (Go animate is a website by which we can make animation with several characters, pictures and effects. We can make animation with go animate online or we can download it. But it is better to download it because we made our animation online and it was a bit difficult for us to upload  our video to You Tube.) It was very enjoyable but it took a bit long time. Finally we added our voices to our animation and uploaded it to You Tube. 

   I think it is very useful because when we recorded our voices we made speaking practice at the same time and we developed our creativity when we created the story. Some parts of the project were difficult to understand for us because we weren't experienced enough about this issue but we solved this problem by making brain-storming.

    As a conclusion, I advise this project to both teacers and students. Students make practice when they make animation, and teachers can use this kind of projects in their lessons especially if they teach young learners.
   I hope you will enjoy it :)


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