Thursday 31 March 2016


    Hi! This week ı will introduce to you a website, Busuu. 
   Busuu is a social network for learning languages. Busuu was founded in 2008 by Bernhard Niester. It contains activities, online dialog opportunities, grammar rules, exams in 20 languages.
Busuu won the Silver Lion Award for Best Education Start-up in 2011 and it won the BETT EdTeach Innovator award in 2014.
    I used busuu when I was in highschool. It contains some information and activities in 20 languages including Turkish and English. You can select one language or more than one which you want to learn. Everyone, who wants to learn English or another language can use Busuu. It has only one disadvantage: it is free at the beginning but you should make a payment  if you eant to do activities at very high stages.

    This website is more suitable for students but IELT teachers can also use this website because you can correct English learners’ ( they are generally Turkish or Arabic) mistakes so they can understand better in which parts students make more mistakes.

Wednesday 23 March 2016



   Hi Everyone!
  This week i want to introduce rss.  RSS is a useful program which has recently become popular. I think it is a very useful program, it has several practical functions which can facilitate our works.  The content, which is presented on the website as RSS, may conclude summary, headline or the whole content which is presented on the website. RSS informs us when one of our favorite bloggers shares something and we don't have to scan all of the posts in our blogspot so thanks to RSS we can save time. I think everyone who uses blogspot should download this application. You can download RSS from playstore. 

      My favorite blog is

     Learning from my mistakes: an english teacher's blog. I follow his post easily thanks to RSS. He is an English teacher and he generally writes his own experiences so I enjoy reading his posts. He writes about why children make mistakes, why children aren't good at writing and reading skills. He writes difficulties of both learning and teaching. He mentions that it is very difficult to write long and meaningful articles in one hour in the exam and criticises the education system. I think his experiences will be useful for us in the future.

Wednesday 16 March 2016



This week, I made a wiki study with Senanur Oğuz. We watched a film, Three Idiots, together and we made critic about the film. We have some opinions and comments about the film, we want to share our opinions with you and we'll give some information about this fascinating film.



Wednesday 9 March 2016


This week, I made a podcast study.. I made this study with Senanur OĞUZ. We had three options and we chose the last one: we created a story and added sound effects. There are four characters in our story ; the narrator, her friend(Scarlett), fortuneteller and Catherine .We had some technical problems at once for example; we didn't know how to use the program( online voice recording) and it was a bit difficult for me to vocalize the fortuneteller but we overcame these problems easily and we enjoyed  while were recording our voices. I found it very fundamental study and I recommend it, especially if you are English teacher of young A1 or A2  level students you can use this activity because it is very entertaining activity for them and I think it will improve their creativity and dubbing skills. I hope you will enjoy it when you listen :)

Vocaroo Voice Message

Tuesday 8 March 2016


Welcome to my blogspot. I am Özge MARAN. I am studying ELT at Marmara University. I will share my experiences about both learning and teaching English and my studies which I will make as homework. I want to share useful and enjoyable studies with you. I hope you enjoy and learn or consolidate  some information via this page